Alan Rodges-Talented Digital Content Producer/Communications Professional

I am a dedicated, talented and exceptional writer and communications professional with over 5 years of digital content production, extensive digital/social media, social media marketing and management, writing, editing, print media, newsroom and relationship building experience. I develop, write and produce compelling stories about politics, general interest and current events that are creative, exciting, accurate, engaging, and captivating. I can shoot and edit video footage and I am able to create both static and motion graphics. I am comfortable in front of the camera, behind the camera and in front of the microphone.

*Proficient in Hootsuite *Proficient with all Social Media platforms *Proficient in Adobe Technologies *Proficient with AP style writing *Proficient in Google Workspace/G Suite  *Proficient in Microsoft Office 365 Suite *Exceptional verbal, writing and editing skills  *Create static and motion graphics *Exceptional analytical and research skills *Proficient with various CMS software, including WordPress *Proficient in copy-editing *Working knowledge of HTML and CSS